1. Find a flat surface to layout and set up the game to play on. On the gameboard; place the Play Cards, Skill Cards, Strategy Cards and Character Cards. Lay the Characters in the "Waiting to Play" area on the gameboard.
2. Set the color plastic character holders on their color markings on the Pickleball court. Set the color player board pieces on each of the color "Zero-Zero-Start" markers. Set up the net in the center of the Pickleball court. Place the three dice and the Pickleball Ball stanchion anywhere on the Pickleball court; so they're ready, when you're ready to start.
3. Players will select which color Player Board Piece they will use during the game.
(red, blue, black or yellow)
4. Each player will pick up one character card from the Character Card pile, at random. Players will locate their character from the "Characters Waiting to Play" pile. Players will insert their Character in the color plastic Character Holder and place them on their color markers on the board. Players will place their Character Cards on the gameboard, face up, on the Active Character Card location in front of their characters.
GREAT! Now that you have the board setup and all the characters are ready to play, decide if you will be playing Singles or Doubles and which game level you will play at.
There are three levels of game play:
Scroll down for instruction on playing Singles, playing Doubles, and each of the Game Levels.
Scroll down for instruction on playing Singles, playing Doubles, and each of the Game Levels.
If this is your first time playing, we recommend playing "Singles" at this level. This game play level will help players familiarize themselves with the basics of the game.
(Play Cards, Strategy Cards, Skill Cards, Nice Shot and Bad Shots are not used at this play level.)
After setting up the board (see "Board Setup & Getting Started"), select one player to roll the Color Ball die, which will decide who starts the game, which is also who serves first. Before the serve, the serving player must place the Pickleball Ball stanchion in front of their character on the game board. If the player serves the ball without the Pickleball Ball stanchion in front of their character, the serving player loses the serve, and the next player serves.
The serving player only rolls the "IN/OUT/ACE" die. If the serve is "IN", play continues to the receiving player. The player receiving the serve (also known as "return of serve") MUST roll both the "IN/OUT/ACE" and the "HIT" dice at the same time on the Return of Serve. Both dice MUST be rolled at every Return of Serve, and every return shot thereafter at this game play level. Every time a player rolls an "IN", it is the next receiving players turn to roll both dice.
The rolling of the dice between players continues until one of two things happen:
1) A player rolls an "ACE".
• If the serving player rolls an "ACE" at anytime, that player earns a point and moves ahead one space on the board.
• If a non serving player rolls an "ACE", the next serving player in the serve rotation serves the ball.
2) A player rolls an "OUT".
• If the serving player rolls an "OUT" at anytime, no point is awarded and it is now the next players turn to serve in the serve rotation.
• If a non serving player rolls an "OUT", the player that started the serve earns a point and moves ahead one space on the board.
At this play level, after a player earns a point and moves ahead one space on the board, it is the next players turn to serve in the serve rotation.
The first player to reach Skill Level 5.0 on the board wins.
After playing Beginner/Practice level, we recommend playing "Singles" Intermediate. At this game play level Play Cards will be picked up when a player earns a point and moves ahead one space on the board.
(Strategy Cards, Skill Cards, Nice Shot and Bad Shots are not used at this play level.)
Play Cards
Intermediate play level follows the same guidelines for play as Beginner/Intermediate play; the only exception is that players will start picking up Play Cards during this play.
When a player earns a point and moves ahead one space on the board, that player will pick up a Play Card and read it to the other players. Players will follow the instructions on the Play Card. After the Play Card is read, the Play Card is then placed at the bottom of the Play Card pile, face down. If a Play Card instructs a player to move back or ahead on the board, a Play Card will not be picked up, only the player moves. A Play Card is only picked up when a player earns a point and moves ahead one space on the board.
After setting up the board (see "Board Setup & Getting Started"), select one player to roll the Color Ball die, which will decide who starts the game, which is also who serves first. Before the serve, the serving player must place the Pickleball Ball stanchion in front of their Character on the game board. If the player serves the ball without the Pickleball Ball stanchion in front of their Character, the serving player loses the serve, and the next player serves in the serve rotation.
The serving player rolls the one "IN/OUT/ACE" die. If the serve is "IN", play continues to the receiving player. The player receiving the serve (also known as "Return of Serve") MUST roll both the "IN/OUT/ACE" and the "HIT" dice at the same time on the Return of Serve. Both dice MUST be rolled at every Return of Serve" and every return shot thereafter during this game play level. If the player rolls an "IN", play continues to the next receiving player.
Play continues until one of two things happen:
1) A player rolls an "ACE".
• If the serving player rolls an "ACE" at anytime, that player earns a point and moves ahead one space on the board. That player will then pick up a Play Card, read the card to the other players, complete the instructions on the card, return the card to the bottom of the Play Card pile, face down.
• If a non serving player rolls an "ACE", the next serving player in the serve rotation serves the ball.
2) A player rolls an "OUT".
• If the serving player rolls an "OUT" at anytime, no point is awarded and it is now the next players turn to serve in the serve rotation.
• If a non serving player rolls an "OUT", the player that started the serve earns a point and moves ahead one space on the board. After moving ahead one space, that player will then pick up a Play Card, read the card to the other players, complete the instructions on the card, return the card to the bottom of the Play Card pile, face down.
The first player to reach Skill Level 5.0 on the board wins.
Now that you've played Beginner and Intermediate levels, you're ready to play the Advanced game level. At this game play level Play Cards, Skill Cards, Strategy Cards and the Characters Nice Shot and Bad Shot will be used.
Play Cards
Just like with Intermediate Level, when a player earns a point, that player moves ahead one space on the board and picks up a Play Card. Players will follow the instructions on the Play Card. After the Play Card is read, the Play Card is then placed at the bottom of the Play Card pile, face down. If a Play Card instructs a player to move back or ahead on the board, a Play Card will not be picked up, only the player moves. Play cards are only picked up when a player earns a point and moves ahead one space on the board.
After setting up the board (see "Board Setup & Getting Started"), each player will pick up THREE Strategy Cards and THREE Skill Cards from the pile to use during the game. These cards will lay face up in front of each player. These cards are NOT kept private from the other players.
Skill Cards
Players can use a Skill Card during the game, under the following circumstances:
• Skill Cards can not be played on the Serve (1st hit) or the Return of Serve (2nd hit).
• Instead of rolling the dice on the 3rd, 4th, 5th... etc. hit, a player can use a Skill Card.
• When a player rolls their Nice Shot that is "IN", the receiving player cannot use a Skill Card. If both players have the same Nice Shot, then the receiving player CAN use a Skill Card, if they choose to do so.
• After a Skill Card is used, it is returned to the bottom of the pile, face down.
Strategy Cards
Players can use a Strategy Card during the game, under the following circumstances:
• When a player rolls the "In/Out/Ace" and "HIT" dice, and the "IN/OUT/ACE" die was rolled "IN", the receiving player can use one of their Strategy Cards, but ONLY if the "HIT" die matches one of their Strategy Cards.
• A Strategy Card cannot be used if the receiving player was "HIT" to their Bad Shot.
• After a Strategy Card is used, it is returned to the bottom of the pile, face down.
Nice Shot
Each Character has a Nice Shot, which is listed on their Character Card. When a player rolls the "HIT" die, and rolls their Nice Shot that is "IN", the receiving player cannot use a Skill Card. If both players have the same Nice Shot, then the receiving player CAN use a Skill Card, if they choose to do so.
Bad Shot
Each Character has a Bad Shot, which is listed on their Character Card. When a player rolls the "HIT" die, and rolls their Bad Shot, regardless if it was IN, OUT or ACE, the ball is considered "OUT".
A Strategy Card cannot be used if the receiving player was "HIT" to their Bad Shot.
Starting the Game
Select one player to roll the Color Ball die, which will decide who starts the game, which is also who serves first. Before the serve, the serving player must place the Pickleball Ball stanchion in front of their Character on the game board. If the player serves the ball without the Pickleball Ball stanchion in front of their Character, the serving player loses the serve, and the next player serves.
The serving player rolls the one "IN/OUT/ACE" die. If the serve is "IN", play continues to the receiving player. The player receiving the serve (also known as "Return of Serve") MUST roll both the "IN/OUT/ACE" and the "HIT" dice at the same time on the Return of Serve. Both dice MUST be rolled at every "Return of Serve". Strategy Cards or Skill Cards cannot be used as a "Return of Serve" hit. If the player rolls an "IN" on the Return of Serve, play continues to the next receiving player. Instead of rolling the dice, the receiving player hitting the 3rd, 4th, 5th shot etc., may use a Strategy Card or Skill Card if they're able to do so.
Play continues until one of the following happens:
1) A player rolls an "ACE".
• If the serving player rolls an "ACE" at anytime, that player earns a point and moves ahead one space on the board. That player will then pick up a Play Card, read the card to the other players, complete the instructions on the card, return the card to the bottom of the Play Card pile, face down.
• If a non serving player rolls an "ACE", no point is awarded and it is now the next players turn to serve in the serve rotation.
2) A player rolls an "OUT".
• If the serving player rolls an "OUT" or rolls their "Bad Shot" at anytime, no point is awarded and it is now the next players turn to serve in the serve rotation.
• If a non serving player rolls an "OUT" or their "Bad Shot", the player that started the serve earns a point and moves ahead one space on the board. After moving ahead one space, that player will then pick up a Play Card, read the card to the other players, complete the instructions on the card, return the card to the bottom of the Play Card pile, face down.
3) A player uses a Strategy Card
• If any player, at anytime, uses a Strategy Card, the player that used the Strategy Card can serve or select a player to serve. No point is awarded.
4) A player rolls their Bad Shot
• If the serving player rolls their "Bad Shot", no point is awarded and it is now the next players turn to serve in the serve rotation.
• If a non serving player rolls their "Bad Shot", the player that started the serve earns a point and moves ahead one space on the board. After moving ahead one space, that player will then pick up a Play Card, read the card to the other players, complete the instructions on the card, return the card to the bottom of the Play Card pile, face down.
The first player to reach Skill Level 5.0 on the board wins.
Four Player Game - Two against Two
Advanced Play Level "Doubles" is similar to Advanced Play Level "Singles", with the following exceptions:
Teams play on the same side of the court (Blue/Red against Yellow/Black)
The first TEAM to reach Skill Level 5.0 wins; both players on the team must reach Skill Level 5.0 to win.
When one of the players on the team reaches Skill Level 5.0, the player that reached 5.0 no longer serves, but will continue to roll the dice on return shots or use their Skill Cards and Strategy Cards to assist their teammate reach Skill Level 5.0
One Team Member Reached Skill Level 5.0
When one team member reaches 5.0, that team member plays accordingly:
• The team member no longer serves, all serves are skipped to the next serving player in the serve rotation.
• The team member will continue to roll the dice on Return of Serves and any subsequent return hits.
• The team member can collect and use, if possible, Strategy Cards and Skill Cards.
• If the team member uses a Strategy Card, they would select their teammate to serve.
• The team member cannot go down in Skill Level, for any reason.
• If the 5.0 team member rolls an ACE, their teammate earns a point and moves ahead on the board. After moving ahead one space on the board, that player will pick up a Play Card. Players will follow the instructions on the Play Card. After the Play Card is read, the Play Card is then placed at the bottom of the Play Card pile, face down.
Play Cards
Just like with Intermediate Level, when a player earns a point, that player moves ahead one space on the board and picks up a Play Card. Players will follow the instructions on the Play Card. After the Play Card is read, the Play Card is then placed at the bottom of the Play Card pile, face down. If a Play Card instructs a player to move back or forward on the board, a Play Card will not be picked up, only the player moves. Play cards are only picked up when a player earns a point and moves ahead one space on the board.
Skill Cards
Players can use a Skill Card during the game, under the following circumstances:
• Skill Cards can not be played on the Serve (1st hit) or the Return of Serve (2nd hit).
• Instead of rolling the dice on the 3rd, 4th, 5th... etc. hit, a player can use a Skill Card.
• When a player rolls their Nice Shot that is "IN", the receiving player cannot use a Skill Card. If both players have the same Nice Shot, then the receiving player CAN use a Skill Card, if they choose to do so.
• After a Skill Card is used, it is returned to the bottom of the pile, face down.
Strategy Cards
Players can use a Strategy Card during the game, under the following circumstances:
• When a player rolls the "IN/OUT/ACE" and "HIT" dice, and the "IN/OUT/ACE" die was rolled "IN", the receiving player can use one of their Strategy Cards, but ONLY if the "HIT" die matches one of their Strategy Cards.
• A Strategy Card cannot be used if the receiving player was "HIT" to their Bad Shot.
• After a Strategy Card is used, it is returned to the bottom of the pile, face down.
Nice Shot
Each Character has a Nice Shot, which is listed on their Character Card. When a player rolls the "HIT" die, and rolls their Nice Shot that is "IN", the receiving player cannot use a Skill Card. If both players have the same Nice Shot, then the receiving player CAN use a Skill Card, if they choose to do so.
Bad Shot
Each Character has a Bad Shot, which is listed on their Character Card. When a player rolls the "HIT" die, and rolls their Bad Shot, regardless if it was IN, OUT or ACE, the ball is considered "OUT".
A Strategy Card cannot be used if the receiving player was "HIT" to their Bad Shot.
Starting the Game
After setting up the board (see "Board Setup & Getting Started"), each player will pick up THREE Strategy Cards and THREE Skill Cards from the pile to use during the game. These cards will lay face up in front of each player. These cards are NOT kept private from the other players.
Select one player to roll the Color Ball die, which will decide who starts the game, which is also who serves first. Before the serve, the serving player must place the Pickleball Ball stanchion in front of their Character on the game board. If the player serves the ball without the Pickleball Ball stanchion in front of their Character, the serving player loses the serve, and the next player serves.
The serving player rolls the one "IN/OUT/ACE" die. If the serve is "IN", play continues to the receiving player. The player receiving the serve (also known as "Return of Serve") MUST roll both the "IN/OUT/ACE" and the "HIT" dice at the same time on the Return of Serve. Both dice MUST be rolled at every "Return of Serve". Strategy Cards or Skill Cards cannot be used as a "Return of Serve" hit. If the player rolls an "IN" on the Return of Serve, play continues to the next receiving player. Instead of rolling the dice, the receiving player hitting the 3rd, 4th, 5th shot etc., may use a Strategy Card or Skill Card if they're able to do so.
Play continues until one of the following happens:
1) A player rolls an "ACE".
• If the serving player or their teammate rolls an "ACE" at anytime, the player that started the serve earns a point and moves ahead one space on the board. That player will then pick up a Play Card, read the card to the other players, complete the instructions on the card, return the card to the bottom of the Play Card pile, face down. (*if a Skill Level 5.0 player rolls an "ACE", and their teammate started the serve, their teammate earns a point and moves ahead on the board)
• If a non serving player on the other team rolls an "ACE", the next serving player in the serve rotation serves the ball.
2) A player rolls an "OUT".
• If one of the players on the serving team rolls an "OUT" or rolls their "Bad Shot" at anytime, no point is awarded and it is now the next players turn to serve in the serve rotation.
• If one of the players on the non serving team rolls an "OUT" or their "Bad Shot", the player on the other team that started the serve earns a point and moves ahead one space on the board. After moving ahead one space, that player will then pick up a Play Card, read the card to the other players, complete the instructions on the card, return the card to the bottom of the Play Card pile, face down.
3) A player uses a Strategy Card
• If any player, at anytime, uses a Strategy Card, the player that used the Strategy Card can serve or select a player to serve. (*if a Skill Level 5.0 player uses a Strategy Card, they will not serve, but can select their teammate to serve.)
4) A player rolls their Bad Shot
• If one of the players on the serving team rolls their "Bad Shot" at anytime, no point is awarded and it is now the next players turn to serve in the serve rotation.
• If one of the players on the non serving team rolls their "Bad Shot", the player on the other team that started the serve earns a point and moves ahead one space on the board. After moving ahead one space, that player will then pick up a Play Card, read the card to the other players, complete the instructions on the card, return the card to the bottom of the Play Card pile, face down.
The first TEAM to reach Skill Level 5.0 wins; both players on the team must reach Skill Level 5.0 to win.
Player serve rotation is always clockwise.
Players only roll one die on the serve, the "in/out/ace" die. The player hitting the return of serve MUST roll both the "in/out/ace" and "hit" dice at the same time. AFTER the serve AND the return of serve, the player hitting the 3rd hit can roll the two dice OR use a Strategy Card OR Skill Card (if possible). When a player is serving, it is always to the opponent that is diagonal from them on the game board (cross court). When a player is returning the ball over the net, it is always opposite from where the ball came from. When playing singles, the first player to reach 5.0 wins. When playing doubles, both players on the team must reach 5.0 to win. Also, when playing doubles, when one of the players reaches 5.0, that player no longer will serve, but will continue to roll return shots and use their Skill and Strategy Cards to help their teammate reach 5.0.
Beginner/Practice Play
If this is your first time playing Drops and Lobbers™, we recommend starting off playing a couple Beginner/Practice games. This level of play will teach you how to serve, which dice to roll, player rotation, how to score a point and move around the board. It's a simple way to win.. but hey.. a win's a win!
Intermediate Play
Great! Now that you know how to serve, player rotation and how to move around the board. It's time to start picking up those "Play Cards". When you get a point and move on the board, pick up a "Play Card".
Was it too windy to play? Did you have a lot of unforced errors? Or maybe everyone forgot the score! Its' time to find out.